ENERGY & DESIGN Case Study 1

  • ENERGY & DESIGN CASE STUDY 1: Weiss House, 2010This project was an Energy Efficiency & Architectural Master Plan with a primary focus on architectural improvements. Energy and  architectural improvements were of similar importance to the clientENERGY ISSUE

    ENERGY & DESIGN CASE STUDY 1: Weiss House, 2010This project was an Energy Efficiency & Architectural Master Plan with a primary focus on architectural improvements. Energy and architectural improvements were of similar importance to the clientENERGY ISSUE

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    The design improvements include new facade and interior replanning, no additions.

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    The improved new floor plan also allows for natural ventilation, whic the existing plan does not.

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    The living room is opened to the rest of the house and provides the space for the relocated stair.

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    The living room vista wall is improved.

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    The entry foyer is opened and full of light.