LUCAS RANCH a Naturalist Residential Development

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    The existing topography of the site was the driving force for the unique house plans for this development.

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    The roads were planned to minimize visibility.

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    The homesites, parcels and water supply lines were all planned to work with the hidden roads.

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    96% of the property remains open space.

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    Fire prevention is provided by the ample layout of fire hydrants.

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    Hidden roads.

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    Roundabouts are use instead of T intersections.

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    A twist in the road slows traffic when entering from the traditional tract house development.

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    Home Site Planning Criteria: This Planning criteria establishes the prescribed methods for planning each Home Site in order to maintain a balanced cut and fill process for grading, minimizing grading, locating the buildings appropriately with the contours of the terrain, and maintain view corridors, privacy, solar and wind control.

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    The first prototype house was a stunning example of the naturalistin potential of the entire project.

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    Property line fencing in this development is prohibited, similar to Sea Ranch, California.

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    Homesites fitting to the topography of the hillside.